Option C Proof of Coverage

Important Item for Retirees: Option C Proof of Coverage Letter  

Editor’s Note: this article is only for Retirees who signed up for Option C for their health benefits when retiring. Unsure if you chose Option C? Check the article below.  

It’s that time of year again! If you signed up for Option C when you retired it is once again that time to send your proof of coverage letter to the trust (also known as Gallagher, Health Invest, or the Retirement Annuity) in order to receive your reimbursement.  

If you need a refresher, when you retired you were able to choose Option A, B, or C for your health reimbursement. If you can’t remember, did you fill out paperwork when you retired? Do you send annual proof of coverage to “the trust?” If you’re still not sure, check your latest pension check. If you receive a “health reimbursement” on your pension checks from SDCERs that means you signed up for Option A or Option B and this information does not apply to you.  

If you are option C, then now is the time to request your proof of coverage from us! Email or call SDPEBA ([email protected] or 888-315-8027).  

Once you receive your Benefits Breakdown Letter, submit that to Health Invest to process. You can submit your Benefits Breakdown Letter by mail, fax, or email.  

Address: PO Box 80967 Seattle, WA 96108  

Email: [email protected]